Yesterday afternoon, Tuesday, February 7, the plenary activity of the X Legislature of our democracy was inaugurated in the Congress of Deputies. The first item on the agenda addressed a non-law proposal of the Popular Parliamentary Group in Congress, relating to the renewal of the European Union-Kingdom of Morocco fishing protocol. For the presentation of the initiative, Mr. Joaquín García Díez, deputy for the province of Lugo, took the floor.
The amendments presented by the PNV, Izquierda Plural (IU, ICV-EUiA, CHA), UPyD and ERC and which tried to include mentions about the conflict in Western Sahara, were rejected. This was the argument used by deputy García Diez: “I want to refer to the amendments that other groups have presented and that I would briefly classify into two groups: those that affect territorial issues, which we understand do not proceed in this initiative – I already told you during my statement that the European Parliament demands that the new agreement fully respect international law, and with this we should all be calm.